Information of the leaders of various sub-clubs of the Student Union (2024)

Information of the leaders of various sub-clubs of the Student Union (2024)

No.Clubs No.Clubs NameLeader's name
11000Students'   Union of Macao University of Science and Technology嚴戰
21001Faculty   of Innovation Engineering Students' Association of Students' Union of Macao   University of Science and Technology (FIESA)王晟坤
31002School   of Business Students' Association of Students' Union of Macau University   of Science and Technology张梓晗
41003Faculty   of Law Students' Association of Students' Union of Macau University of   Science and Technology任以璇
51004Faculty   of Chinese Medicine Students' Association of Students' Union of Macau   University of Science and Technology刘畅
61005Faculty   of Hospitality and Tourism Management Students' Association of Students'   Union of Macau University of Science and Technology童心一
71006Faculty   of Humanities and Arts Students' Association of Students' Union of Macau   University of Science and Technology陈卓懿
81007University   of International College Students' Association of Students' Union of Macau   University of Science and Technology卢妍妃
91008Faculty   of Medicine Students' Association of Students' Union of Macau University of   Science and Technology金欣阳
101010Faculty   of School of Liberal Arts Students' Association of Students' Union of Macau   University of Science and Technology韓炳琳
111200Non-local   Students' Union of Students'Union of Macau University of Science and   Technology曹又今 
121201Basketball   Association of Students' Union of Macau University of Science and Technology胡靖
131202Football   Club of Students'Union of Macau University of Science and Technology钟嘉怡
141203Volleyball   Club of Students' Union of Macau University of Science and Technology曾俊鸿
151204Tennis   Club of Students' Union of Macau University of Science and Technology刘可欣
161205Badminton   Club of Students' Union of Macau University of Science and Technology胡子熙
171206Table   Tennis Club of Students' Union of Macau University of Science and Technology王小丫
181207Jingwu   Association of Students' Union of Macau University of Science and Technology帅承伯
191210Outdoor   Sports Association of Students' Union of Macau University of Science and   Technology钟庆远
201212Volunteer   Association of Students' Union of Macau University of Science and Technology何畅
211213Dance   Association of Students' Union of Macau University of Science and Technology张海伦
221214Music   Society of Students' Union of Macau University of Science and Technology吴伟民
231215Drama   club of Students' Union of Macau University of Science and Technology陈力持
241216Debate   Club of Students' Union of Macau University of Science and Technology夏羽韬
251217Public   Relations Assiocation of Students'Union of Macao University of Science and   Technology王子宁
261218Media   Society of Students'Union of Macao University of Science and Technology侯嵩松
271219Wenjuan   society of Students'Union of Macao University of Science and Technology冯浩轩
281220Chance   ACGN of Students'Union of Macao University of Science and Technology张雪菲
291223Magic   club of Students'Union of Macao University of Science and Technology黄后钦
301224Character   Voice Club of Students'Union of Macao University of Science and Technology沈馨乐
311225Chinese   Ancient Civilization Society of Students'Union of Macao University of Science   and Technology文若颖
321226esports   Club of Students' Union of Macau University of Science and Technology汪昊泽
331227Model   United Nations Club of Students' Union of Macau University of Science and   Technology李冰寒
341228KENDO   Club of Student’s Union of Macau University of Science and Technology张峻瑜
351229Running   Club of Student’s Union of Macau University of Science and Technology丁怡力
361230Board   Game Club of Students' Union of Macau University of Science and Technology金齐
371231Nutrition   Society of Student’s Union of Macau University of Science and Technology何瑞萱