Confidentiality is a fundamental principle of psychological counseling. To allow clients to explore their problems freely and interact openly with our counselors, counselors are obligated to maintain the confidentiality of clients' counseling sessions and protect their privacy. Any information disclosed by clients during counseling sessions will not be shared with anyone without their consent.

However, if a client's behavior poses a risk to their own life or the safety of others, the counselor has a responsibility to warn their legal guardian or a third party to insure the client or other’s safety. The following situations are considered exceptions to the confidentiality policy:

(1) When there is an imminent danger to the client or a third party.

(2) When the counselor assesses that the client is at risk of suicide.

In cases where disclosure of information is necessary, the counselor will prioritize the client's best interests before providing any information.

The detailed confidentiality policy is outlined in our service agreement, which will be explained by our counselors at the beginning of the service. If you have any questions, please contact the Psychological Counseling Team.