News: Online Registration for Seasonal Flu Vaccinations

Ref No: MUST/24/047/SA/N

Online Registration for Seasonal Flu Vaccinations

To all students:

To enhance community immunity, improve the convenience and willingness to receive seasonal flu vaccinations, and reduce waiting times for students at various health centers, the Health Bureau will organize a Free Vaccination of Seasonal Influenza session specifically for students of the Macau University of Science and Technology. Students interested in participating in this vaccination session are requested to complete online registration from October 30 to November 26 (see details below). On-site registration via QR code will also be available on December 2. Please present your valid identification document, student card and provide Health Bureau Patient Card (also known as “Gold Card”) number* before receiving the vaccine.


December 2, 2024 (Monday) 10:00 am-12:00 noon*


Room A116

Target Group

Students of MUST (with Health Bureau Patient Card /“ Gold Card ” number)

Online Registration  QR code

Please log in to the website or scan the QR code below to complete online registration for 2024-2025 Seasonal Flu Vaccinations:

*1. Students should apply for a Heath Bureau Patient Card (Gold Card) from health center before receiving the vaccine. Please check the website for location and details: .

*2. Vaccination time may be adjusted based on the number of registrants. Please refer to the latest notice from the Student Affairs Office.

The above arrangements are subject to the Health Bureau’s official announcements.

Thank you for your kind attention.

Student Affairs Office 


