The Philosophy of Student Affairs Office

Student Affairs Office is striving toward for Care, Educate and Supervise students.



The Student Affairs Office focuses on the holistic development and well-being of students. A number of holistic education programmes have been set up to develop students' moral character and sense of responsibility, spirit of innovation and teamwork, physical and mental health, aim to achieve their ambition and mission. The Student Affairs Office encourages life-wide learning, self-directed learning and active learning, constantly provides rich and colorful student activities and helping students develop comprehensively to experience campus life. Student Affairs Office leads and supports the student associations, operates the student dormitories to provide students with a safe and harmonious residential life experience, builds a campus social support network, and provides psychological counseling services for the students. The Mentorship Program, the scholarship and award schemes and various welfare items are launched by the Student Affairs Office to support students’ learning effectiveness.


The Central Role of Student Affairs Office:

  • To assist for building up a harmonious and innovative campus culture spirit.

  • To provide rich and colorful student activities and helping students develop comprehensively to experience campus life.

  • To provide safe and harmonious students residential life experience.

  • To provide happy and healthy growing environment, supporting and helping student have a sense of physical and spiritual well-being.


The Goals for Student Affairs Office

To provide the very best out of class campus life experience for our students, to foster the whole-person development around student, to accomplish the social-campus supporting network, and to enhance the students’ learning outcome with the university.

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The Daily Function of Student Affairs Office:

  • To offer pastoral care, support and guidance to students

  • Student Activities Management

  • To promote well-coordinated development for Student Associations

  • Student Psychological Counseling Services

  • Student Dormitory Operation Management

  • Student Visa and Student’s Group Medical Insurance

  • Student Scholarship and Award Scheme

  • Student case-handling and disciplinary affairs

  • Mentorship Program collaboration

  • Formulation for Rules and Regulations of Student Affairs

Organization Chart

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Educational Projects

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