M.U.S.T. Volunteers Welcome Freshmen with Enthusiasm!


Vice President Mr. Kwong Ying Wa, Head of Student Affairs Office Ms. Wong, Ka Weng, staffs and student volunteers

As the new academic year is about to begin, the Student Affairs Office of M.U.S.T. initiated the recruitment of a welcoming volunteer team during the summer break to greet new students. Over a hundred volunteers from different faculties were recruited to participate in various welcome activities during the new student registration period. The Student Affairs Office provided training to the volunteer team beforehand, ensuring that they understood the arrangements for each aspect of the welcome events and fostering their enthusiasm for serving the freshmen. Between August 23rd and 29th, they worked alongside university faculty and staff to welcome over 7,000 new students, assisting them in quickly adapting to university campus life.

Seniors Volunteers and faculty staffs kindly provide service and guidance for freshmen and parents

Students complete registration effectively with WeMust Student APP

The student service counter of the Social Service Team and the Psychological Team

The promotional booth for fraud prevention of the Judiciary Police