Hear the world•Feel your life--The blind experiencing project of MUST Social Service team

Led by the Student Affairs Office of MUST, the social service team held the blind experiencing project. The project was divided into two parts. On March 1st and March 2nd, the experiencing promotion booth was set in the lobby of Block B. From March 6th to March 7th, the formal experiencing activity was held in room 115 of Block F. Aim to deepen students' understanding of people with visual impairment, the social service team will hold the blind experiencing project regularly. At the same time, we hope to raise more awareness to the blind and provide them with more help.

At the experiencing booth, GUESS WHAT YOU HAVE TOUCHED and HAVE FUN BY DICTATION were two entertaining games created by the social service team members for students to challenge themselves and they could bring some souvenirs of MUST home. 

During the formal activity, the team members also directly set 4 scenes to simulate the situation of being blind, including KNOW MORE ABOUT THE BLIND, WALK ON THE BLIND ROAD, CATCH THE SOUND IN THE DARK and SHOPPING WITHOUT SEEING. At the beginning of the activity, the participants were asked to wear a patch and hold a tactile stick when walking. Under the guidance of social service team members, the participants went through 4 parts in turn.

As they finished the activity, many participants said that they felt hard to deal with daily things without normal vision. Students who took part in this project not only realized that it was not easy to live in dark, but also felt more empathetic to the visual impairment people. They considered it as an educational and interesting project. 

The blind experiencing project was first held in Germany for sighted people to experience the life of being blind. China also has this kind of projects later, which are held in different cities, such as Shanghai, Chengdu, and HongKong. Following this trend, MUST social service team has held the blind experiencing project for the second time. New elements are added to the traditional basis in order to make it more attractive and vivid for spreading.