Faculty of Chinese Medicine and Social Service Team of MUST paid a visit to Centro Diurno Prazer para Idosos da Associação Geral das Mulheres de Macau

Faculty of Chinese Medicine and Students’ Union of the FCM and the Social Service Team of MUST, which was managed by the Student Affairs Office of MUST, paid a visit to Centro Diurno Prazer para Idosos da Associação Geral das Mulheres de Macau. The group containing 35 volunteers departed in the morning of March 20th 2021. Professors Ms. Li Li Yu, Ms. Gui Lin Zhang of Faculty of Chinese Medicine and the mentors Ms. Hao Chi Wan, Mr. Tam Weng Fong of Student Affairs Office were leaders. They served the elders with enthusiasm. The activity also invited Tam Ka Wai, the alumnus of MUST, who was also a doctor of TCM. Doctor Tam was served as the guest speaker of this health knowledge lecture.

Group photo of the elders, teachers and student volunteers

Group photo of students from Faculty of Chinses Medicine and members from Social Service Team

This visiting activity included massage service, health-maintenance tea tasting and daily health-care knowledge lecture. Elders took turns to receive massage services while those waiting for massage were listening to the health lecture. The massagist were students of the Faculty of Chinese Medicine who had received abundant standard massage training programs. In terms of massage service, Faculty of Chinese Medicine and Social Service Team were perfectly co-operated. Students of FCM were mainly responsible for delivering Chinese medicine sachets made by themselves to the elders with providing massaging. Members of SST were participated in chatting with the elders to know their physical conditions. The students' careful attitude and professional massage techniques won the content appreciation of the elders, and the elders also expressed their gratitude. Additionally, volunteers collaborated to produce healthy Asian Pear tea, sour plum juice and healthy pastry. During the lecture, the elders tasted them and praised the students.

Students provided massage service for the elders

volunteers collaborated to produce healthy drink

member of SST presented the elders with tea

When this visit ended, members of SST all expressed that it was very meaningful and was also a special and interesting experience. They felt delighted because of comfort and heartfelt happiness manifested by the elders, especially at the moment when the elders thanked volunteers, one of them said, “I felt satisfied in spirits for making efforts to what I was available.” “It is a blessing to bring convenience and amusement to the elders.

Centro Diurno Prazer para Idosos da Associação Geral das Mulheres de Macau is an organization subordinated to the Associação Geral das Mulheres de Macau. The organization aims at enriching the leisure time of elder residents, bewaring their physical and mental demands, and practice the concept of “promote the elders’ sense of belonging, and sense of worthiness.”

behind the scenes: