Association Activities Experience Week

To help the new students better adapt and integrate into the new university life, the Student Affairs Office's Student Activities and Development Section will organize a series of orientation activities. Among them, the "Association Activities Experience Week" is co-organized by the culture and recreation associations and sports associations under the Student Union, aiming to unfold the vibrant campus life for the new students. 

During the week, each club has carefully designed a variety of experiential activities based on their own characteristics and focuses. The students have the opportunity to fully express themselves in the fields of music, dance, drama, and sports etc. Not only did they showcase their talents, but also gained valuable experiences, including expanding their social networks, developing teamwork and communication skills, as well as acquiring professional knowledge and abilities. Through the "Association Activities Experience Week", the new students can not only gain a more comprehensive understanding of university life, but also find like-minded friends, laying a solid foundation for their future campus life. This is undoubtedly an excellent opportunity for the new students to experience the charm of university life in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere.


WJS Club "Let’s Learn Cantonese"


Badminton club "Let's meet Badminton"


Music Society "Music Night"


Board Game Club "Board Game Night"


Tennis Club "Tennis and You"


Chinese Ancient Civilization Society "Hanfu Tea Party"


Character Voice Club "Dubbing challenge"

劍道社 「“我做你猜”劍道體驗活動」.jpg

Kendo Club " Kendo Experience Activity"


Basketball Club "One Minute Shooting Challenge"


Drama Club "Fun Drama Experience Activities"


Dance Association “Flash Mob”