News: The Successful Outcome of the “2023 Macau University of Science and Technology Mirror Sea Model United Nations Conference”

With the support of the Student Affairs Office, the Model United Nations Club of Students’ Union of M.U.S.T. successfully held the "2023 Macau University of Science and Technology Mirror Sea Model United Nations Conference" from October 14 to 15, 2023. The conference was attended by 15 members of the presidium, 112 delegates, and 11 volunteers, a total of 138 people. In addition to the members of M.U.S.T., delegates from the University of Macau, the City University of Macau, the Polytechnic University of Macau, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the Beijing Normal University, Jinan University, the Shenzhen Technology University, the Foshan University, Pui Ching Middle School, Kao Yip Middle School, Santa Rosa de Lima English Secondary School, and Keang Peng School also participated in this event.

The conference consists of three main venues: the Chinese Standing Committee, the Chinese History Committee, and the English Committee. In the Chinese Standing Committee, 42 delegates engaged in a heated discussion on the situation in Ukraine. The delegates played various roles on the court, discussing the treacherous international situation in the world. In the Chinese History Committee, 30 delegates delved into the magnificent modern history of China, discussed the preparation of the China Merchants Steam Navigation Company during the Qing Dynasty, deepening their understanding of the self-improvement spirit embodied in the Westernization Movement, and immersed themselves in the efforts made by the ancestors to make the country prosperous and strong. In the English Committee, 40 delegates held in-depth discussions on the theme of "Sustainable Tourism Development" within the framework of the United Nations Second Committee.

In this meeting, the delegates demonstrated a wealth of knowledge and excellent expression skill. Through this event, members of the Model United Nations Club of the Students’ Union of Macau University of Science and Technology had the opportunity to engage with outstanding delegates from other schools and gain a further understanding of international relations and related historical knowledge. In the future, the Model United Nations Club of Students’ Union of M.U.S.T. will continue to organize related activities and strengthen communication with various schools, striving to provide a better participation experience for all delegates.