Event News: M.U.S.T. Social Service Team Member Tong Ngo Laam Honored as "Top 10 Outstanding Youth of Macau"

The 6th Annual Macau Outstanding Youths Awards Ceremony, organized by the Macau YMCA (Young Men's Christian Association), was held on 2024 February 24th at the MGM Cotai Ballroom. Ngo Laam Tong, a member of the M.U.S.T. Social Service Team, was honoured as one of the "Top 10 Outstanding Youth of Macau." Ms. Tam Kit Leng, the Supervisor of the Student Affairs Office, was invited to attend the event.

Guest award presenter presenting the "Top 10 Outstanding Teenagers of Macau" award to student Ngo Laam Tong (center)

The 6th Annual Macau Outstanding Youths Awards aims to recognize and commend the outstanding achievements of young individuals from various fields. By acknowledging their hard work and dedication, the event encourages young people to actively participate in social activities, develop their potential, establish a positive outlook on life, and contribute to the community. This year's event focused on the active development of youth in serving the community and caring for their country. The judging panel, comprising thirty-one professionals from various sectors of society, evaluated participants in three categories: "personal achievements," "personal endeavors," and "social participation." Through preliminary and final rounds of selection, the panel selected the Top 10 Macau Outstanding Teenagers and five winners of the Outstanding Performance award. The Top 10 Outstanding Youths selected in the 6th "Top Ten Outstanding Youths of Macau" will have the opportunity to visit Shanghai over the summer, deepening their understanding of the country's national conditions.

The award-winning member of the Social Service Team, Ngo Laam Tong, extended heartfelt appreciation to the organizing institution for their recognition, expressing gratitude to his alma mater for providing him with a platform and opportunities to pursue his life aspirations further. Embracing the mindset of "dripping water can penetrate the stone" and "accumulating sand can build a tower," he persevered to contribute to society with his modest efforts. Ngo Laam Tong pointed out that through the experience of assisting the underprivileged, his horizons have broadened, nurturing his starting point for growth, sparking profound reflections on the values of life, and inspiring his trajectory of career development. During voluntary visits to the elderly, the discovery of the various difficulties arising in the lives of the elderly patients ignited his drive to pursue the "path of doctor." He further expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to study general medicine at the Faculty of Medicine of M.U.S.T. where he was surrounded by outstanding peers from different regions. Together, they encouraged each other on the path to become "tomorrow's excellent doctors," devoting wholeheartedly to their continuous growth journey. Those who offer helps may not be aware of the hidden profound value they possess, but it leaves a deep impression on the recipients, feeling genuine gratitude for the rare and precious sincere contribution. Such acts which bring peace and joy, finding solace and comfort, are deeply meaningful. In the future, within the hub of the global outstanding teaching and talent pool of the MBBS program at MUST, Ngo Laam Tong pledged to exert the utmost effort to equip himself with contributional power in the medical field. Prioritizing the care of patients as life's foremost duty, embodying both moral integrity and skills, Ngo Laam Tong strives to shoulder the responsibility of achieving the betterment of all.

Guest award presenters and the Top 10 Outstanding Teenagers (Liu Yuqing, Zhang Zhixuan, Guo Zixuan, Tang Aolan, Zeng Zile, Leong Tsz Yiu, Xu Ziheng, Dai Anqi, Chen Yongxin, Zhang Yueling)

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Ms. Tam Kit Leng, Supervisor of the Student Affairs Office (right) and Ngo Laam Tong (left)