Notice: Scholarships and Grants Application for 2023/2024 Academic Year

Dear all students,

  To reward students of M.U.S.T. with outstanding performance, the eligible students will have the chance to be offered scholarships and grants by different institutions.

  Scholarships and Grants are divided into application required and no application required1. According to the rules approved by the scholarship-providing institutions, and the academic achievement of students in academic year 2023/2024, the University will select eligible students to the institutions for final decision, students need not apply for most of the scholarships. The scholarships and grants for the 2023/2024 Academic Year which are open for application are listed below:

Fellowship that are required application and application requirements

BCM Scholarship
For full-time undergraduate local students from School of Business, Faculty of Innovation Engineering majoring in BIT, BSAI, BSAS & BEIE, Faculty of Law or Faculty of Humanities and Arts majoring in BAJC & BAAD with GPA3.0 or above academic performance.

Golden Burger (Macau) Charity Association Scholarship
For full-time undergraduate local students with GPA3.0 or above academic performance who actively participate in community service.

Golden Burger (Macau) Charity Association Fellowship

For full-time undergraduate local students who have financial needs and actively participate in community service.
(Not applicable to graduates of 2023/2024 Academic Year)

Sands China Fellowship
For full-time undergraduate local students with financial needs and GPA2.3 or above academic performance.
(Not applicable to graduates of 2023/2024 Academic Year)

Application period

From June 21 to July 21, 2024


Login WeMust Student APP or Student Portal > Application form > New Application > SA Service Application > Scholarships and Grants Application Form, upload the completed and signed application form2 and required documents according to the scholarships or grants you are applying for, and submit the application. Fellowship applicants must submit the “Income Statement” of the family3 (including the applicant) from May 1, 2023 to April 30, 2024. After the submission, please wait for review. Students who are required to supplement documents will receive notification of WeMust Message, please follow instructions and resubmit application.

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Result Scholarship-providing institutions will inform the University after the final decision.

1. Email:

2. WeMust Student APP > Service Center > Feedback


1. Students can apply for more than one item.

2. Eligible students will be awarded only one of the scholarships/grants.

3. The approval process of the above scholarships and grants is decided by the scholarship-providing institutions.

4. All the information of scholarships and grants is subject to updates announced by the University.

Student Affairs Office


1 For details, please refer to website: Home>Academic Support>Student Affairs Office>Student Service>Scholarships>Scholarships and Grants

2 Download from the website: Home>Academic Support>Student Affairs Office>Student Service>Scholarships>Download

Refers to all members who live with the applicant, as well as those who are studying abroad and are financially dependent on the family.

Attachment: Notice